Telegram 上的币安官方账号是假冒



2021-08-02 11:25国旗尼日利亚
这个虚假的币安官方账户声称是官方币安,宣布币安将赠送 Telegram 会员,但在每个会员收到 0.5 BTC 之前,最多能提取或发送 0.01 BTC 到他们提的比特币钱包地址,于是许多人损失了比特币。一切都是骗局,这样的骗子在 Telegram 上很多,币安不可能要求固定数量的 BTC 或任何其他代币。 警惕这样的骗局。
This fake binance offical account are claiming to be an official binance where announced that binance is going to give, giveaway to its Telegram members but before each member to recieve 0.5 BTC he most withdraw or send 0.01 BTC to thier provided bitcoin Wallet address and many people had loose their BTC. it's all scam such scammers are many on Telegram every body you, have to know that no any binance offical will massage you or request some single amount of BTC or any other Token.Noted