

2021-03-28 12:00国旗Hong Kong China
BTYUN scams under the banner of the new currency subscription and the opening price has risen. It subscribes popular currencies at low prices (in fact, it has nothing to do with popular currencies). After online trading, the price does not match the real exchange. People harm oneself. It prevents investors from trading, and the withdrawal is unsuccessful, resulting in heavy losses. The exchange standard currency, the price is also normal and basically the same outside, but look at the prices of other altcoins, the huge transaction volume and depth, you will wonder if your eyes are broken. The counterfeit exchange that can be unreliable to such a point can be regarded as refreshing your horizons. Don't deposit coins in it! Everyone beware of being deceived! ! Everyone must be aware of the false frauds of BTYUN Exchange!
币云BTYUN打着认购新币开盘大涨的旗号大肆诈骗,低价认购热门货币(实则与热门币种无关),上线交易以后,价格和真实交易所不符,低价开盘,无法提币,害人害己。让投资者不能交易,提币也不成功,损失惨重。交易所标配币种,价格都也是正常和外面基本一致的,但是看看其他的山寨币价格,庞大的交易量及深度,你就会怀疑自己的眼睛是不是坏了。可以不靠谱到如此地步的山寨交易所,也算是刷新了眼界,大家千万别往里面充币! 大家小心上当受骗!!大家务必认清楚币云BTYUN交易所的虚假欺诈骗钱!
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