Keep embezzling money!! Unable to withdraw coins!



2021-03-08 15:29国旗Hong Kong China
Bte was very popular in the first half of 2020. Through the pyramid model, 19 communities have been consolidated, with more than 12 million users, and each user needs to invest 6,300 yuan. Last year, on July 18, 2020, the registration was suddenly stopped, and the site was not removed. As previously stated, it can be withdrawn at any time. Later, I will appease everyone and say that they can definitely be evacuated. As of today, March 8, 2021, they still cannot be evacuated and refunded. In August 2020, the intranet was changed to a new model, pledged mining. If everyone wants to successfully pledge mining, they must invest another 6,300 to light up the miner’s lamp. About 20% of the more than 12 million users light up the miner’s lamp. After digging for 3 months, they will stop all withdrawals on the intranet. Everyone I can’t bring up the coins. I bought the coins for 20-30 US dollars on the ZG exchange before and mentioned the intranet to pledge mining. Up to now, the intranet still can’t bring out the coins. Some scalpers have tried to propose it before, but The cost of withdrawal is much higher than the value of the currency itself. In December 2020, it has been said that a new public chain will come out. It was said that all the pigeons were released when the public chain came out 5 times. The publicity was very high. More than 200 organizations around the world launched together. Everyone stayed until the middle of the night. , Because they say that the time abroad is different. Later, a LinkedIn wallet (another new intranet) came out, and then the foundation deliberately notified the management of the error message, asking everyone to transfer all the coins from the exchange to the LinkedIn wallet, saying that all the exchanges will be owned in 3 days. All bte coins will be removed from the shelves. In addition, those who transfer in early will enjoy a high exchange rate. After 3 days, the exchange rate will drop. Within 3 days after the notification, tens of millions of exchange coins will be transferred to the LinkedIn wallet, and then the foundation will again I came out and said that the management had misunderstood the meaning, not that it was going to be removed. Anyway, these coins still cannot be transferred to normal exchanges, and they have not been withdrawn. According to my knowledge for more than a year, the first 18 of the 19 communities are basically old aunts and uncles over 50 years old. They don’t understand blockchain at all, don’t understand digital currency, and they have a group of deaf-mute friends. , The new community is dominated by Baoma, and one person came in and pulled a family. . In the end, I can't get the money back now. I invested 180,000 yuan and I didn't get a cent back. [d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d] The main person in charge of the foundation is all in Leshan, Sichuan. Whether people over there don’t know, and the coin blue exchange was also organized by them.
bte在2020年上半年的时候非常火,通过拉人头的金字塔模式整了19个社区,1200多万用户,每个用户需要投资6300块钱。去年也就是2020年7月18号突然停止注册,不给撤场,以前说的随时可以撤离。后面安抚大家说肯定可以撤离,截止到今天2021年3月8号还是不能撤离退款。 2020年8月又把内网改了一个新的模式,质押挖矿。每个人要想成功质押挖矿必须再投入6300块点亮矿灯,1200多万用户中总共有大概20%的玩家点亮了矿灯,挖了3个月不到内网就全部停止提币,大家的币都提不出来,之前在ZG交易所都是20-30美金买的币提到内网去质押挖矿,到现在为止内网还是提不出来币,之前有黄牛想办法提出来,但是提币的代价比币本身的价值还要高很多很多。 2020年12月一直说新的公链会出来,说了5次公链出来的时间全部放了鸽子,宣传的非常高大上,全球200多个机构一起推出,大家每次都是守到下半夜,因为他们说国外时间不一样。后面又出来一个领英钱包(又一个新的内网),然后基金会故意给管理层通知错误信息,让大家把交易所所有的币转到领英钱包里面去,说3天后交易所所有的bte币会全部下架,另外提早转进去的享受高额兑换比例,3天后兑换比例下降,在通知后的3天内有上千万枚交易所的币转入领英钱包里,然后基金会又出来说管理层误解了意思,不是说要下架,反正到目前为止这些币还是不能转到正常交易所去,一直不能提币。据我1年多的了解,19个社区中前面18个社区基本上都是年龄层在50岁以上的老阿姨大叔,他们根本不懂区块链,不懂数字货币,还有一批聋哑朋友,新的社区都是宝妈为主,一人进来拉了一个家族。。最终现在钱都拿不回来,我投资了18万,没有拿回来一分钱。[d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d] 基金会主要负责人都是在四川乐山那边的,具体是不是那边人不知道,还有币蓝交易所也是他们整出来的
Unable to Withdraw