The counterfeited MEXC exchange and I was told to be cleared. Request to log in to the website to fill in the information!



2021-12-03 11:42国旗Hong Kong China
Yesterday, I received a text message and informing me that "My MEXC exchange account has been cleared, please log on to the website to appeal and withdraw" followed by a link similar to MEXC. I was shocked at the time because it was caused by the recent domestic situation. Then I thought: No, I log in to MEXC every day and there is no announcement about clearing out. Then, I enter their website to have a look. It's very realistic. But the "recover account immediately" that they wrote below is not coordinated in any way. Shouldn't it be "login"? ? ? So, I immediately entered the MEXC APP to ask. The result is surely fake. The more this time, the more various scammers show up. I can receive seven or eight messy calls a day, but as long as I see a non-normal displayed call, I always hang up. Please be careful! ! !
昨天收到一条短信,被告知“我的抹茶交易所账户已经被清退,请登录网站进行申诉和撤回”后面带着一条类似抹茶的链接。我当时一惊,都是被最近国内状况闹得。 随后一想:不对啊,我天天登录抹茶,也没有公告说要清退啊。 随后,进入他们网站一看。做得很逼真。可是他们下面写的那个“立即恢复账户”,怎么看怎么不协调。不应该是“登陆”嘛??? 于是,我立刻进入抹茶APP进行询问。 结果自然是假的。 越是这时候,各种妖魔鬼怪就会越多。我一天能接到七八个乱七八糟的电话,但是只要看到不是正常的显示电话,我从来都是挂断。 请大家一定要提高警惕!!!